Civil War II #5 Review

Civil War II issue number 5 took a while to hit book shelves, but it’s finally here. Civil War are two words I hate hearing, because the current state of our country, signal a civil war brewing. What I mean by that is the current relationship between the black community and police officers. It has… Read More Civil War II #5 Review

GOAT Article: Black Panther Will Be The Greatest Marvel Movie Ever

  Black Panther is going to be the best Marvel movie to date when it comes out in 2018. Is that an outlandish thing to say? I don’t think so. Let’s step back for a moment and examine the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What was it built around? Who was/is the central character in the MCU?… Read More GOAT Article: Black Panther Will Be The Greatest Marvel Movie Ever

GOAT Article: Why EVERYONE Should Be Excited for Luke Cage!

You know what really bugs me? When people say the phrase “I don’t see color.” Now, hear me out here because I’m sure a lot of people reading this have said this at one point or another. There are two versions of this phrase though. The first one is its intended meaning. These people constantly… Read More GOAT Article: Why EVERYONE Should Be Excited for Luke Cage!

GOAT Article: Mr. Sinister confirmed for the Wolverine 3???

Everything I learned about superheroes when I was young came from three television shows. Spider-Man, X-Men the animated series, and Justice League. All three of these shows gave me a taste of the greatness that superheroes possessed. My favorite now is probably the Justice League cartoon. But looking back, when I was kid, nothing touched… Read More GOAT Article: Mr. Sinister confirmed for the Wolverine 3???

GOAT Article: Why Cyborg Should NOT Be in The Justice League

  The definition of the word diversity is simple. On Miriam Webster, it says, “the condition of having or being composed of different elements. Especially, the inclusion of different types of people in a group of organization.” The word is usually attached in sentences like, “The government wants to promote diversity in their schools.” This… Read More GOAT Article: Why Cyborg Should NOT Be in The Justice League